The Twin Lake of Sibulan, Negros Oriental- A haven for all hikers and adventurers

Fun To Travel: The Twin Lake of Sibulan, Negros Oriental (The Balinsasayao and Danao)

Every place and town has a unique sites that showcases its beauty. The Municipality of Sibulan located in the Province of Negros Oriental, Philippines is proud of its one of the natural made of the province- a twin Lake as it is called by the locales.
Does it implies to you an interesting view? I would agree with a big YES that it is really enjoyable being there visiting the lake Danao and Balinsasayao, the respected names of the two lakes.

The two (2) lakes offers an adventures and feelings for those who who love to be outdoor (an outdoor type of person) especially hiking and trekking, thus saying to one self that I have set foot on that scenery and made my trails.
It also offers a physical activities like canoeing crosising the lakes from end to end- adding to your eyes that you indeed explored the greeny place. For others, you are free to swim grasping the vast wide area of waters of the said lakes. It is indeed a
worthwhile trip.

Being there is really escapes you from the warm view of the urban, gives you fresh air at the moment. Should anyone wishes to quench the thirst and starviness, there is a place to land in but with a fee of course.

Going there is not really a question, you can always visit the local Tourism desk in the municipality and ask for more additional information. Should you wish anyone to accompany you, you may hire a locals to guide. You have the opt if you set your trails in many of the routes, you can hike (too exhausting for me, I tried that) or you may rent a motor bike or a 4 wheel
drive and land on and you start trekking and exploring the lakes (less energy consume folks).

By chances you visited the province, you may as well tried to visit the lakes that I have describing. Enjoy the trails everyone.

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